Three Steps to Attain a Healthier Body and Flat Abs

Three Steps to Attain a Healthier Body and Flat Abs

As we grow old so does our body. One of the most common flaws that we encounter is a flabby belly. However all is not lost we can still achieve those abs we have always wanted .Here are some simple ways of losing your belly fat and attaining that six pack abs. The first thing to consider getting to that flat abs is to have a good diet plan.

Changing your diet is the best way of losing body fat. Eat food that are low in calories such as grains, fruits and vegetable that are rich in fiber and avoid those that rich in carbohydrate, and high cholesterol content, a good example of such is junk food, burgers and French fries, definitely these are foods to avoid . You must also eat more often – break down your three big meals into six and eat in small portions this will help you fight the hunger so you don’t have to eat a lot in one sitting. Snack on crackers and fruits.  Also drink plenty of water, studies say that you have to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to keep you hydrated and full.

Next step is to create a good exercise plan, and make it a habit. Remember it takes 21 days to create a habit so you must be consistent in your exercise plan and going to the gym. Dieting alone will not work unless you exercise. You should choose an exercise that you really like, such as swimming, basketball, and other sports, however cardio exercises are really the best to lose weight as this effectively burns the excess fat in your body. Also a good thing to consider is that exercise can strengthen your immune system and help improve your mental and physical health. It makes you feel a whole lot better about yourself, and increases your overall confidence. And lastly you have to endure a strength training activity for the entire body.

This will help you strengthen your muscles as you lose the weight. Your muscles will form the right way and not sag. You can do it at home or you can enroll on a fitness gym. However get a trainer to help you create the right training activity for you. You have to make it a daily routine, and utilize compound and bodyweight exercises - do the right exercise for your bodyweight category. This is what the trainer will help you in. The principle of strength training is to ensure that your muscles are being exercised the right way such as lifting heavy objects - this means you have to lift a heavy load to avoid muscular failure  so train frequently Flat abs takes time and consistency in your diet and exercise. It takes weeks or even months so be patient and just create the cycle of a good healthy diet intake and exercise. 
